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April 2, 2020
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April 7, 2020TxCDBG announcement: Program Guidance and Applications – Social Distancing
TxCDBG guidance that has been modified for social distancing has been collected HERE. This document will serve as an FAQ, and we will add topics as needed. As always, consult your local legal counsel to ensure that any modified procedures meet all applicable requirements.
A fundamental component of the Texas CDBG program is the benefit provided to low- and moderate-income persons. For many communities, this means conducting a door-to-door survey of residents in a project area to document eligibility for grant funding. In this season of “social distancing”, it is unknown when this work can be safely completed.
As a result, TDA announces the following:
- Grant Application deadlines for 4 funding programs will be delayed – a new deadline will be announced via listserv and TDA’s website when additional information is available. These funding programs are:
- Downtown Revitalization / Main Street Programs;
- Fire, Ambulance, and Service Truck (FAST) Fund;
- Planning & Capacity Building Fund; and
- Colonia Fund – Construction, Secondary Round.
- Grant Applications for the final round of Texas Capital Fund – Real Estate & Infrastructure Program will continue to be due to TDA no later than May 1, 2020.
- HUD has released new income limits to be used by all TxCDBG grant programs listed above
- TxCDBG staff will update the traditional Income Survey Questionnaires to reflect the 2020 income limits and post the forms to the TDA website. In addition, TDA is evaluating alternative survey methodologies that will not require in-person contact.
We encourage communities to continue to evaluate community needs and work towards completing the grant applications that have been postponed. In particular, procuring/designating a grant writer and holding a virtual public hearing to assess community needs can be completed without gathering in person.