The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program assists very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled, with the ability to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.

How we help

Housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual who are able to find their own housing. TCOG administers this program in Fannin and Grayson counties.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development logo

Rental Assistance

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program provides rental assistance payments directly to private landlords.

This program offers eligible participants the ability to rent decent, safe housing and pay no more than 40% of their income for rent and utility expenses. There are subsidies available for one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom homes including apartments, mobile homes, duplexes or any kind of dwelling which meets the standards set by the program.

Annual Income Limit Guidelines

Household SizeMaximum Income Level (Per Year)*
Fannin County
Maximum Income Level (Per Year)*
Grayson County
* Subject to change annually

Waiting List Information

TCOG’s Section 8 Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List for Fannin County is currently open and accepting applications.  Please call 903-893-2161 ext. 3536 and leave your name and address for an application to be mailed to your household.

TCOG’s Section 8 Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List for Grayson County is closed. 

The Section 8 Project-Based Housing Choice Voucher Waiting Lists are currently open. TCOG has partnered with Texoma Housing Partners to administer their Project-Based units in 19 cities across the region. Those cities include Bells, Bonham, Celeste, Ector, Farmersville, Gunter, Honey Grove, Howe, Ladonia, Leonard, Pottsboro, Princeton, Savoy, Tioga, Tom Bean, Trenton, Van Alstyne, Whitewright, and Windom.

You can pick up an application at our office (1117 Gallagher Drive, Suite 200, Sherman, TX) or at THP (810 W 16th Street in Bonham, or 326 W Duke Street in Howe, TX.) Applications accepted between the hours of 8-11am, and 1-4pm only. Verification required to apply includes; IDs for everyone over the age of 18, Birth Certificates for all minors, and Social Security Cards for everyone in the household, verification of all income coming into the household (i.e. check stubs, award letters, banks statements, and verification of SNAP benefits). Also, if you are elderly (62 or over) or disabled, you can provide verification of all medical expenses. For questions, please call 903-583-3336.

IMPORTANT: TCOG’s Section 8 Program DOES NOT give out numbers of where you are on ANY waiting lists! Due to a heavy call volume, we DO NOT return waiting list calls unless you are updating information.

If you need to update your address or phone number with our office, you may call 903-893-2161, Ext. 3536 and leave a voicemail. We will update your records.

If you have recently applied for an open wait list, please understand our office must complete several verifications on your application. Please do not call to request information about your application. Once your application is processed, a letter will be mailed informing you of approval or denial to the address you provided.

Family Self-Sufficiency

The goal of the TCOG Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program is to provide clients with the tools necessary to achieve financial self-sufficiency.


Eligible clients are residents in the Section 8 Housing program who enter into a contract of participation which identifies individual goals that, once accomplished, will result in achieving self-sufficiency. When a client's income increases, the increased portion to the rental amount goes into an interest-bearing escrow account which the client will receive after successful completion of the contract of participation.


  • Homemaking
  • Parenting skills
  • Money management
  • Referrals
  • Transportation
  • Job training
  • Child Care
  • Education
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Other Resources
  • Additional resources available based on individual contract of participation

Find out more at

Family Self-Sufficiency


The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership program helps families to achieve the American dream of homeownership.

Enriched Education & Assistance

The families who are currently participating in the program receive educational instruction in the following areas:

  • Creating a satisfactory credit history
  • Saving for a down payment and closing costs
  • Utilizing independent inspections
  • Obtaining homebuyer education certifications

Frequently Asked Questions

1Who is considered an eligible family?
Applicant(s) who meet the following criteria:
  1. The person or persons applying must meet TCOG's definition of a "family"
  2. The family must be income eligible according to the income limits guidelines
  3. At least one family member must be a US citizen or eligible immigrant
  4. No family member has violated a rule that would be a cause to deny assistance
2What is the selection process?
A waiting list is kept for all eligible applicants, according to the date/time of application and any Special Programs that may apply. Special Purpose programs are as follows:
  • Family Unification Program
    (Fannin & Grayson counties)
  • Mainstream Program
    (Grayson County only)
3How is rent computed?
Rent is calculated based on 30% of your income after allowable deductions.
4What are the deductions?
  1. Families: each child under 18 years of age counts as a deduction
  2. Adults who are full-time students (excepted head of household or spouse)
  3. Childcare costs which allow a parent to work
  4. Elderly, persons with disabilities
  5. Medical supplemental insurance other than Medicare/Medicaid
  • Prescription drugs paid by you
  • Medical bills that you have paid (not paid by medical insurance)
  • 5Where can I look for rental property?
    Anywhere in the county to which you applied. You may locate a safe, decent, sanitary and affordable place to live.
    6What type of housing is available?
    Apartments, houses, duplexes, mobile homes or any privately-owned dwelling that meets, fire, health and safety regulations.
    7How do I apply?
    To obtain information on applying for Section 8 housing, please call: (903) 893-2161 ext. 3536 or 1 (800) 677-8264.
    8What documentation is needed to apply?
    Applicant(s) must provide the following documentation:
    1. Social Security cards for all household members
    2. Birth Certificates (if available)
    3. Proof of income for last 90 days (check stubs, child support, TANF/SNAP, pensions, Social Security, SSI, unemployment)
    4. Special purpose program verification (if applicable)
    9Is Section 8 available where I live?
    TCOG currently only administers the Section 8 program in Fannin and Grayson counties. Visit U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to find angencies who administer the Section 8 HCV program in other areas.
    10Are there any other agencies which offer the Section 8 program in the Texoma region?
    Yes. Grayson County Housing Authority administers a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program and the Gainesville Housing Authority operates a Section 8 program in Cooke County.

    Meet the Team

    Section 8 Housing

    Rayleen Bingham

    Section 8 Program Manager

    903-893-2161 x3521

    Program Staff

    Christen Chaffin

    FSS/Homeownership Coordinator

    903-893-2161 x3538

    Jonathan Gray

    Section 8 Housing Specialist

    903-893-2161 x3539

    Lacey Hugee

    Section 8 Housing Specialist

    903-893-2161 x3525

    Michelle Palma

    Section 8 Housing Specialist

    903-893-2161 x3520

    Sophia Pedraza

    FSS/Homeownership Coordinator

    903-893-2161 x3535

    Deborah Ramirez

    Section 8 Housing Specialist

    903-893-2161 x3521

    Equal Housing Opportunity

    Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is an equal opportunity employer/program administered by Texoma Council of Governments. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.