FY21-22 Area Agency on Aging of Texoma Area Plan
April 24, 2020
SBA to Make Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available to U.S. Agricultural Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
May 4, 2020TxCDBG announcement: Program Guidance and Applications – Social Distancing
Revised Grant Application deadlines for 4 funding programs
Applications for each of the following fund categories will be due September 1, 2020 – click the fund name for application materials:
- Downtown Revitalization / Main Street Programs
- The DRP/MS program objective is to provide infrastructure improvements to address the conditions that contribute to the deterioration in an area designated as slum or blighted in the applicant community’s downtown or main street area.
- Fire, Ambulance, and Service Truck (FAST) Fund
- The Fire, Ambulance, & Service Truck (FAST) Fund provides funds for eligible vehicles to provide emergency response and special services to rural communities.
- Planning & Capacity Building Fund
- The Planning and Capacity Building Fund is a competitive grant program for local public facility and housing planning activities. Localities apply for financial assistance to prepare a “comprehensive plan” or any of its components. Typical activities regard topics such as: Base Mapping, Land Use, Housing, Population, Economic Development and/or Tourism, Central Business District, Street Conditions, Thoroughfares, Parks and Recreation, Water Distribution and Supply, Wastewater Collection and Treatment, Drainage (streets & flood hazard areas), Gas or Electric Systems (if owned by the locality), Community Facilities, Capital Improvements Program, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulation. Section 105(a) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, outlines all the generally eligible activities.
- Colonia Fund – Construction, Secondary Round
- The Colonia Fund – Construction provides eligible applicants with grants to fund water and wastewater improvements, housing rehabilitation for low- to moderate-income households, the payment of assessments levied against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income to recover the capital cost for a public improvement and other improvements including street paving and drainage.
Revised Survey Methodology
As the public health situation continues to evolve, TDA has re-posted the 2020 Survey Methodology Manual with an new Appendix III (PDF) that includes approved procedures for conducting an income survey without face-to-face contact with residents.
- No separate prior approval is needed to use the Appendix III steps, but the application should reference the local social distancing requirements in the Justification of Beneficiary Identification Method.
- Click HERE for the full Survey Methodology Manual.