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March 14, 2019Texoma Regional 9-1-1 Telecommunicators Awards Banquet 2019

News Release
For Immediate Release
SHERMAN, March 54, 2019 – Eric Bridges, Executive Director of Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG), announced today that TCOG’s 9-1-1 Program hosted the annual Texoma Regional 9-1-1 Telecommunicators Banquet this past Thursday on February 28. Each year awards are given to telecommunicators throughout our region for the important role they play in public safety.
Trenell Walker

“Telecommunicators are the critical link between those in need of emergency services and those that provide emergency assistance,” stated Bridges. “The Texoma region is fortunate to have such devoted and dedicated telecommunicators.”
The awards and recipients are as follow:
Silent Heroes
- Kim Kavanaugh
Fannin County Sheriff’s Office - Daniel Lachan
Fannin County Sheriff’s Office - Louise Mabry
Whitesboro Police Department - Hannah McKinney
Cooke County Sheriff’s Office - Sholandra Moore
Denison Police Department - Amber Otten
Sherman Police Department - Janet Simpson
Gainesville Police Department - Melissa Townsend
Grayson County Sheriff’s Office - Rebecca Williams
Van Alstyne Police Department - Cindy Woods
Bonham Police Department
Life-Saving Award Recipients
- Leland Booher
Sherman Police Department - Deana Foster
Bonham Police Department - Carin Hepner
Bonham Police Department - Marinda Owens
Grayson County Sheriff’s Office - Crista Rosada
Cooke County Sheriff’s Office - Ronald Sadler
Fannin County Sheriff’s Office - Sabre Tweedy
Fannin County Sheriff’s Office
Team Award of Merit Recipients
- Ivon Wood, Andrea Grimes and Elisha Magar of the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office
Supervisor of the Year
- Belva McClinton
Gainesville Police Department
Telecommunicator of the Year
- Elisha Magar
Grayson County Sheriff’s Office
- (Left to Right) Ronald Sadler, Sabre Tweedy, Marinda Owens, Carin Hepner, Deana Foster. Not Pictured: Leland Booher, Crista Rosado
- (Left to Right): Cindy Woods, Janet Simpson, Melissa Townsend, Amber Otten, Sholandra Moore, Daniel Lachan. Not Pictured: Kim Kavanaugh, Louise Mabry, Hannah McKinney, Rebecca Williams
- Belva McClinton, Supervisor of the Year
- (Left to Right) Elisha Magar, Ivon Wood, and Andrea Grimes of the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office were recognized with the Team Award of Merit
- Elisha Magar, Telecommunicator of the Year
The Texoma Council of Governments is a voluntary association of the local governments in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson Counties. Established in 1968, the Texoma Council of Governments promotes economy and efficiency in the coordinated planning and development of the tri-county region through its community and economic development activities. Either directly, or through contractors, the Council provides housing, utility assistance, and weatherization services for low-income citizens in the region and assists the elderly through a variety of Area Agency on Aging programs. The Council also facilitates the delivery of grant funding for homeland security and criminal justice.
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