TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

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TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

Angie Hare, Texoma Region Better Leader Award Recipient 2017

Angie Hare, Texoma Region Better Leader Award Recipient 2017

News Release
For Immediate Release

TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

The work of these individuals deserves special recognition as they have each demonstrated a sincere desire to improve quality of life in our communities.

Susan B. Thomas, PhD, Executive Director

SHERMAN, September 21, 2017 – Susan B. Thomas, PhD, Executive Director of Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG) announced the Cooke, Fannin, Grayson and Texoma Better Leader Award recipients, all of whom were recognized and presented with plaques last night during TCOG’s Governing Board meeting.

“The work of these individuals deserves special recognition as they have each demonstrated a sincere desire to improve quality of life in our communities,” stated Dr. Thomas. “A panel of TCOG board members from each county in Texoma evaluated their nominations and selected who they felt exemplified what it means to truly be a better leader.”

The recipients of the awards are as follows: Ms. Loretta Felderhoff, Cooke County; Judge Creta L. “Spanky” Carter, II, Fannin County; Mr. Robert Brady, Grayson County; and Mrs. Angie Hare, Texoma Regional Better Leader.

TCOG Board President, Judge Jason Brinkley of Cooke County, stated, “These fantastic individuals are just a few of many leaders across our community that dedicate their time and efforts to improve lives and make our region a great place to live and work.”

TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

Angie Hare, Texoma Region Better Leader Award Recipient 2017

Angie Hare is the Executive Director at Cooke County United Way where she started working in May 2003. She and her husband, John, moved to Gainesville in 2000 from Fort Worth as John accepted the position as pastor of First Presbyterian Church. Angie and John are the proud grandparents of an adorable granddaughter named Taylor (which is Angie’s maiden name!).

Angie is an elder of the Presbyterian Church PCUSA, member of the Cooke County Republican Women, Historic South Gainesville Neighborhood Association, Lucy Holcomb Pickens Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy, Red River Rose Chapter Order of Confederate Rose and is an active member of the Gainesville, Muenster and Valley View chambers.

Angie and John are huge history buffs and typically plan their big annual vacations either exploring Civil War battle sites, retracing American history such as Lewis & Clark Expedition or visiting national parks. They love touring historic towns, museums and points of interest along the trip as well as stopping at the Mom & Pop diners. While John is looking up and forward taking photos as an amateur photographer, Angie is looking down as she is a rock hound and arrow head hunter.

TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

Loretta Felderhoff, Cooke County Better Leader Award Recipient 2017

Loretta Felderhoff has been a volunteer at the Gainesville State School since July 2012. During that time she has registered over 2,800 hours assisting with Catholic services. She organizes and teaches two Catechism classes each week and is instrumental in organizing the two annual Catholic Retreats for the youth on campus. She ensures that the retreats run smoothly and that each volunteer has all the paperwork necessary to enter the campus for these events. She puts in numerous hours behind the scenes and off-the-clock to make everything she does is successful.

Mrs. Felderhoff also mentors troubled young men on campus at the Gainesville State School. She is very dedicated to the youth. She provides what they need, whether it is a kind word, a listening ear or guidance for their future. Mrs. Felderhoff continues to stay in contact with these individuals after they have left the facility and went into “the Free.” Some of the young men she mentors can be difficult and give her “special” challenges; however, she does not give up on them.

Mrs. Felderhoff was awarded the Mentor of the Year award at Gainesville State School during their annual Volunteer appreciation banquet for 2015.

TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

Spanky Carter, Fannin County Better Leader Award Recipient 2017

Judge Spanky Carter was born and raised in Sherman, Texas. He graduated from Sherman High School and attended the University of Texas on a football scholarship. He earned a Bachelor’s degree from Angelo State University, making him the first person in his family to attend college and earn a degree. Later, he earned his Doctor of Jurisprudence from Texas Wesleyan University School of Law and is licensed to practice law in both Texas and Oklahoma. He is also the owner of Vision Media Group with radio stations in Bonham and Paris, Texas.

Spanky Carter has been the Fannin County Judge since 2011. During his tenure, through conservative budget management the Fannin County Commissioners Court has consistently lowered the tax rate, built reserves each year and opened a new Agri-Life extension office. They were able to pay off the county’s debt five years early and improve the county’s credit rating. Currently, Judge Carter is overseeing Fannin County’s restoration of their historic courthouse and the construction of a new government building, a $16+ million project. Judge Carter was instrumental in resurrecting TAPS from its recent financial straits via his current position as Chairman of the TAPS Board of Directors. Judge Carter also serves Fannin County in numerous capacities including on the following boards: Texoma Council of Government (Past President 2013-2015), Homeland Security Advisory Committee (Past Chairman), Fannin County Zoning Commission (Current Chairman), Fannin County Juvenile Board, Fannin County Public Facility Corporation, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Fannin County Leadership Advisory Board, Texoma Workforce Development, and Fannin Community Foundation.

Judge Carter and his wife Donna live in Mulberry, Texas and they enjoy spending time with their five children, daughter-in-law and beautiful granddaughter. Judge Carter enjoys working on his farm in Mulberry and having cookouts. He is looking forward to traveling to Austin to attend his daughter’s basketball games at Concordia University Texas.

TCOG Announces 2017 Better Leader Award Recipients

Robert Brady, Grayson County Better Leader Award Recipient 2017

Robert Brady graduated from Denison High School in 1969 and continued his studies at Grayson College, East Texas State University, and Southeastern Oklahoma State University. He retired from a 32-year career with Johnson & Johnson in Sherman, Texas, as part of Johnson & Johnson’s management team. Robert has extensive experience in all facets of the manufacturing process from Quality Assurance to Process Management.

Mr. Brady served as mayor of Denison for 6 years and served on the city council for 6 years. He has previously served on the TCOG Governing Board, TASWA Executive Committee, RMA Board of Directors and incoming Chairman, Denison Development Foundation Board Member, Denison Development Alliance Board Director & Past Chairman, Denison 20/20 Committee Chairman, Denison Revitalization Committee Chairman, Denison Boys Club Board of Directors & Past Chairman, Denison ISD Bond Election Committee Co-Chair, Denison Planning and Zoning Commission, Community Development Block Grant Committee, and a Meals on Wheels Volunteer. Mr. Brady is currently serving as a mentor for two Denison High School students for the Industrial Maintenance Technology program at Grayson College and the Advanced Manufacturing Class at Denison ISD/Grayson College.

Robert and his wife, Carolyn, have been married for 33 years. Robert considers his most important current role, however, to be “Papa” to his grandchildren.

The Texoma Council of Governments is a voluntary association of the local governments in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson Counties. Established in 1968, the Texoma Council of Governments promotes economy and efficiency in the coordinated planning and development of the tri-county region through its community and economic development activities. Either directly, or through contractors, the Council provides housing, utility assistance, and weatherization services for low-income citizens in the region and assists the elderly through a variety of Area Agency on Aging programs. The Council also facilitates the delivery of grant funding for homeland security and criminal justice.