Texoma Senior Volunteer Receives Vision Award

2012 Texoma Regional 9-1-1 Telecommunicator Awards Banquet
May 25, 2012
TCOG's Fiscal Year 2011 Economic Impact Statement
TCOG’s Fiscal Year 2011 Economic Impact Statement
June 21, 2012
2012 Texoma Regional 9-1-1 Telecommunicator Awards Banquet
May 25, 2012
TCOG's Fiscal Year 2011 Economic Impact Statement
TCOG’s Fiscal Year 2011 Economic Impact Statement
June 21, 2012

Texoma Senior Volunteer Receives Vision Award

Georgia Richardson

Georgia Richardson

News Release
For Immediate Release

SHERMAN, June 11, 2012 – Dr. Susan Thomas, Executive Director of Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG), announced today that Georgia Richardson, Medication Assistance Program (MAP) Volunteer with the Texoma Area Agency on Aging, is the recipient of the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 2012 Vision Award for Wellness which was presented to her in Austin last week. The Vision Award for Wellness recognizes individuals and groups who demonstrate exceptional community services through their understanding of healthy living issues specific to their community. The DADS Vision Award is provided annually and recognizes exemplary community service that supports the agency’s vision – that older Texans and persons with disabilities be supported by a comprehensive, cost-effective system that promotes and enhances wellness, dignity and choice.

To be selected by DADS for this state recognition is a great honor and Mrs. Richardson is well deserving of this prestigious award for her hard work and dedication to the Texoma Area Agency on Aging’s team.

Susan B. Thomas, PhD, Executive Director

Georgia Richardson

Georgia Richardson, Being Awarded the 2012 Vision Award for Wellness

“To be selected by DADS for this state recognition is a great honor and Mrs. Richardson is well deserving of this prestigious award for her hard work and dedication to the Texoma Area Agency on Aging’s team,” said Thomas. “MAP is one of the longest running volunteer programs for the Area Agency on Aging and helps low income individuals with medication assistance.”

Mrs. Richardson retired from the Texas Department of Human Services with a loyal affinity for her community. In 1999, she began volunteering with the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Medication Assistance Program. Her empathy for those with challenging needs has led her to numerous roles in which she actively seeks to better the lives of everyone involved.

The Texoma Council of Governments is a voluntary association of the local governments in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson Counties. Established in 1968, the Texoma Council of Governments promotes economy and efficiency in the coordinated planning and development of the tri-county region through its community and economic development activities. Either directly, or through contractors, the Council provides housing, utility assistance, and weatherization services for low-income citizens in the region and assists the elderly through a variety of Area Agency on Aging programs. The Council also facilitates the delivery of grant funding for homeland security and criminal justice.