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July 12, 2017
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July 20, 2017Visioning Bonham, 2017-2025

Visioning Bonham, 2017- 2025 Executive Summary
Executive Summary
The Bonham Vision Plan, facilitated by Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG), was initiated by the City of Bonham, the Planning and Zoning Commission and BEDCO. The project team, Steering Committee, and stakeholders had numerous meetings and public forums to review data and maps, to engage in SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges) exercises, as well as focused Values and Visioning sessions. The process of visioning enables the community to define the future they want while identifying and incorporating community assets and understanding where improvements are needed.
Visioning is an important tool for community and economic development that assists cities in preserving what works while preparing and addressing needs for the future. The plan analyzes several areas including annexation, parks and greenspace, housing, Infrastructure (broadband, transportation networks, water, and sewer capacity), workforce, and zoning, all in light of projected & planned growth. This plan is not designed to serve as a comprehensive review or plan, but rather an overview that will allow prioritization by the implementation team. The plan produced several strategic initiatives that will be addressed by an “Implementation Committee” appointed by Bonham City Council. At that time the next steps (goals, actions, metrics, responsible parties and more) will be discussed.
Vision Statement
The City of Bonham, Texas will continue to be a place where history is valued, where there is a sense of pride of place, and where diversity is embraced. In order to bring this about, the City will:
- Encourage a vibrant, sustainable economy, including both retail and industry, and will actively pursue opportunities that produce stable, well-paying jobs;
- Facilitate downtown revitalization, as well as active retail and business corridors;
- Work together with its citizens to produce safe neighborhoods where families and neighbors are valued;
- Value greenspace, parks, and recreational areas to promote the overall health of the City, and will incorporate this value in all projects and plans; and,
- Plan for and embrace change and growth to provide the optimal quality of life for the people of Bonham. Zoning and annexation will be strategic, and in accord with these values and this vision.
Strategic Initiatives
- Capitalize on the courthouse restoration (Historical Downtown)
- Create and maintain recruitment, marketing and restoration plans for downtown
- Review and strengthen code enforcement and maintain cooperation between code enforcement and Planning & Zoning
- Create an infrastructure committee to address current and projected growth; review challenges/solutions related to growth
- Commit to sustainability, including additional greenspace and parks
- Address the growing need for a skilled workforce (educational opportunities; new industrial park; housing)
- Encourage initiatives for safe, affordable housing (at all income levels)
Related Document:
Download Executive Summary (PDF)