TCOG’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program Accepts Grant Award
January 27, 2022
Building Business Community (Session 3: Branding Sells, Making Worth a Visit)
February 22, 2022
TCOG’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program Accepts Grant Award
January 27, 2022
Building Business Community (Session 3: Branding Sells, Making Worth a Visit)
February 22, 2022

Building Business Community (Session 2: The Strength of Small Business)

TCOG hosted an Economic Recovery & Resilience Workshop on 02/22/2022, Becoming A Resilient Region by Building our Business Community with Tools & Policies to Enhance the Local Business Environment & Regional Benefit.

Session 2: The Strength of Small Business – Create a Thriving Small Business Ecosystem by David Summers, Ph.D. (University of Houston-Victoria)

Dr. Summers described the importance of a strong local business presence in communities of all sizes and offers ways in which communities and their partners can foster the environment needed to start and grow businesses.

To view the full-day workshop (Session 1, 2, 3, 4, 4B, 4C), go here:

Live stream:

Booklet view: