Sherman-Denison MPO Releases Amendments to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Public Review and Comment
January 4, 2021Fannin County Boil Notice, Warming Centers and Resource Numbers
February 18, 2021FYE 2020 Annual Report
Table of Contents
Combined Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances
During FYE 2020, Texoma Council of Governments administered $14.86 million in federal, state, and local programs.
Total Revenues: | $14,863,433.00 |
Operational Expenditures | 2020 |
Direct Salaries | $2,209,103.00 |
Benefit Program Costs | $742,753.00 |
Indirect Costs | $871,589.00 |
Travel & Training | $97,180.00 |
Contracted Services | $56,239.82 |
Equipment Maintenance | $192,052.69 |
Direct Services | $8,504,009.00 |
Subcontracts | $1,541,686.00 |
Other (Professional Services, Staff & Volunteer Recognition, Supplies, Stipends, Utilities) | $516,496.49 |
$14,731,109.00 |
Fund Balance End of Year:$2,841,986.00
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Expenditures | $132,324.00 |
Fund Balance Beginning of Year | $2,709,662.00 |
YEARS ENDED APRIL 30, 2020 and 2019
Statement of Net Assets
2020 | 2019 | |
Current Assets | ||
$1,656,815.00 | $1,585,193.00 | Cashed and Pooled Investments |
$918,152.00 | $761,880.00 | Accounts Receivable |
$45,130.00 | $88,749.00 | Under Allocated Employee Benefits and Central Service IT |
$34,364.00 | $51,312.00 | Prepaid Items |
$2,654,461.00 | $2,487,134.00 | Total Current Assets |
Non-Current Assets | ||
$2,379,578.00 | $2,447,454.00 | Capital Assets, Net |
$2,379,578.00 | $2,447,454.00 | Total Non-Current Assets |
$5,034,039.00 | $4,934,588.00 | Total Assets |
2020 | 2019 | |
Current Liabilities | ||
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities | $611,370.00 | $971,400.00 |
Unearned Revenue | $945,967.00 | $534,429.00 |
Accrued Compensated Absences | $28,322.00 | $29,537.00 |
Notes Payable | $83,541.00 | $79,524.00 |
Total Current Liabilities | $1,669,200.00 | $1,614,890.00 |
Non-Current Liabilities | ||
Notes Payable | $437,886.00 | $521,427.00 |
Accrued Compensated Absences | $84,967.00 | $88,609.00 |
Total Non-Current Liabilities | $522,853.00 | $610,036.00 |
Total Liabilities | $2,192,053.00 | $2,224,926.00 |
Net Position
2020 | 2019 | |
Net Position | ||
$1,858,151.00 | $1,846,502.00 | Net Investment in Capital Assets |
$209,458.00 | $158,659.00 | Restricted |
$774,377.00 | $704,501.00 | Unrestricted |
$2,841,986.00 | $2,709,662.00 | Total Net Position |
Aging Services
The federal Older Americans Act designated Area Agencies on Aging to develop and implement programs and services for older people at the local level.
There are 28 Area Agencies on Aging throughout the State of Texas. Dedicated to providing older Texomans an appropriate and coordinated system of services that fully support their health and well-being, TCOG’s Area Agency on Aging‘s (AAA) goal of creating an environment where they may age with grace and dignity. Texoma AAA continues to evaluate, modify and implement projects to address identified unmet needs of Texoma Seniors.
Changes implemented by the State of Texas in how legal assistance clients are captured and documented and the closure of the money management program in October 2019 had an impact on the overall clients served through Benefits Counseling. We also want to bring attention to the obvious fact that the COVID-19 pandemic affected direct services to our older populations. Despite these changes, our AAA still served over 4,900 clients during FYE 2020 and expended over $1.9 million in Federal and State funding for services to the Texoma Region.
Benefits Counseling
TCOG’s Benefits Counselors answer questions regarding public benefits, private insurance, and Medicare and Medicaid for those age 60 and over, disabled individuals and caregivers. Program staff provided approximately 380 hours of counseling and assistance last year to approximately 630 clients with more than 650 contacts in community outreach. As mentioned previously, the State of Texas ended the money management program late last year, which provided bill payer and representative payee services to persons at risk of losing their independence because of an inability to manage their finances.
Information and Referral (IR&A)
Referrals Made
Trained in local and state resources, the IR&A specialist serves as the point of contact for services at the Area Agency on Aging of Texoma. The specialist takes time to evaluate the needs of each caller to identify what services are needed before making appropriate referrals. Beyond these tasks, the specialist then ultimately follows up on the referrals to ensure the caller had services rendered based on the identified needs.
Over 7,000 referrals and connections to Texoma resources were provided during FYE 2020, an increase of approximately 28% over the previous reporting period.
Managing Local Ombudsman
The quality of care for residents in long-term care facilities is critically important. The managing local ombudsman (MLO) is responsible for monitoring this care and advocating for residents’ rights. Furthermore, the MLO is charged with recruiting and training volunteers to become State Certified Volunteer Ombudsmen (CVO).
The MLO and CVOs participate in nursing home open hearings, research complaints and ensure the best possible care for the residents of long-term care facilities throughout Texoma.
In FYE 2020, we were able to expand our capacity in this program by adding an additional certified staff ombudsman position. Combined with 10 certified volunteer ombudsmen, our 2 certified staff ombudsmen assisted in residents’ rights issues in 21 Nursing Home and 18 Assisted Living facilities last year.
Care Coordination
Care Coordination is a community-based home care program designed to promote independent living for persons age 60 and over and is administered by professional case managers. Services include assistance with daily living activities, home-delivered meals, minor residential repair, health maintenance (dental, vision, and hearing), emergency transportation, and in-home service arrangements.
We’ve enjoyed continued partnerships with Cooke County United Way and Byrd Fielder Livengood Charitable Trust in the delivery of healthy initiatives for our senior community.
TCOG provided over 1,000 hours of coordinated service to more than 480 clients last year, enabling older Texomans to live at home longer and preventing premature placement in long-term care facilities.
Congregate and Home-Delivered Meals
During FYE 2020, TCOG’s Congregate and Home-Delivered Meal program served nearly 220,000 meals throughout Texoma to senior residents at a combined value of $1.25 million. As with many food-related services during the COVID-19 pandemic, careful consideration had to be given to ensure that the vulnerable senior population was protected from the virus in as much as possible while still ensuring this critical food service continued uninterrupted. Congregate meals were transformed into curbside senior center settings. Homebound seniors were the recipients of approximately 83% of the overall meals served through these programs.
Health Classes
The Area Agency on Aging of Texoma has two staff members certified as trainers who provide evidence-based classes to Texoma clients in order to promote healthy aging. Because falling is the #1 issue for older populations as they age, and caregiving for a loved one can be especially stressful, our staff offered two classes this year at a cost of $13,033. These classes were for falls prevention and Powerful Tools for Caregivers.
Residential Repair
TCOG provided almost $23,450 in minor residential repair services to senior households throughout the Texoma region, enabling clients age 60 and over to have ramps and grab bars installed, as well as other minor repairs through this one-time payment assistance.
Health Maintenance
Over the past year, approximately $66,829 was expended to assist clients age 60 and over with dental issues, hearing aids and vision needs.
Client Services
The Client Services department at TCOG provides essential services to many Texoma families and households including 2-1-1 Texas, ADRC of Texoma, and Section 8 Housing. Whether providing affordable housing, self-sufficiency programs, or referrals to crucial social services, these programs are supported with state and federal funds and offer families a better tomorrow by providing life-changing resources today with the common goal of giving families hope.
By thoughtfully and strategically planning for the future needs of our region, TCOG continues to improve the level of social and lifeline services which in turn improves quality of life for all Texoma residents.
2-1-1 Texas
2-1-1 Texoma provides information and referral services to persons of all ages who are seeking assistance from Health and Human Services agencies in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties. Whether by phone, text, chat, or online, they receive accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information locally and statewide.
2-1-1 Texas is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 2-1-1 can also translate over 100 languages to reduce or eliminate barriers in communication with callers needing assistance. No matter where callers live in Texas, they can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in Cooke, Fannin or Grayson counties – and all over Texas. Whether callers need help finding food or housing resources, child care, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment – one number is all that is needed to know.
2-1-1 provides the latest information about COVID-19 and works in conjunction with HHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas Department of Emergency Management, the Department of Homeland Security, and other State and Federal agencies.
Our staff not only answer phones, but they are also actively engaged in numerous initiatives, programs, and activities and collaborate with other agencies on the following:
2-1-1 Info Fest, Cooke County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), Community Resource Coordination Groups (CRCG) of Cooke County, Durable Medical Equipment Program, Emergency Management, Feeding Fannin, Grayson County Social Services Association, Hunger-Free Texans, Nursing Home Outreach Program, Texoma Homeless Coalition, Texoma Human Trafficking Coalition, Share the Warmth Coat Drive, Summertastic! Texoma Youth Guide, and several veterans activities.
2-1-1 Texoma fielded nearly 30,000 contacts via calls, chats, emails, and website visitors during FYE 2020. The service level averages over 90% and ensures quick response times and the specialized 2-1-1 database is vetted daily for consistent referrals. Our program is staffed by nationally-certified Resource Specialists and a certified Resource Specialist Database Curator to ensure the most accurate referrals are provided to callers.
Average Service Level
Aging & Disability Resource Center of Texoma
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Texoma is another information and referral program provided by TCOG under the HHS and is part of the Texas No Wrong Door (NWD) System. As such, the ADRC of Texoma provides information and referral assistance not only to individuals needing either public or private resources, but also to professionals seeking assistance on behalf of their clients and to individuals planning for their future long-term care needs. NWD systems also serve as the entry point to publicly administered long-term supports, including those funded under Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, Veterans Health Administration, and state revenue programs.
ADRC of Texoma keeps up with the latest information about COVID-19 and works in conjunction with HHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas Department of Emergency Management, the Department of Homeland Security, and other State and Federal agencies.
Our staff are actively engaged in numerous initiatives, programs, and activities and collaborate with other agencies on community outreach efforts such as:
Durable Medical Equipment Collaboration Group, Family Self-Sufficiency Committees, Texoma Homeless Coalition Board, outreach to underserved populations as a community health worker, Home Rehabilitation Assistance Program, delivering food and supplies to homebound individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic, and collected donations to start an Adult Incontinence and Brief Bank.
FYE 2020 Highlights
ADRC of Texoma had 727 interactions with consumers of which 149 were veterans. Staff attended 37 community events either in person or via webinar.
Due to COVID-19, respite services otherwise available were not utilized.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
With an annual budget of over $2.75 million, the Section 8 program provides affordable housing to nearly 500 households in Fannin and Grayson counties. Families may choose to participate in the optional Family Self-Sufficiency/Homeownership Program to achieve a goal of financial independence through support services including employment and educational training, credit counseling, and homeownership classes.
Family Self-Sufficiency/Homeownership
We have had 117 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) graduates since 1994 with $430,877.50 in escrow distributed to those completing the program as a HUD-based incentive to increase earned income during the course of their FSS Contract of Participation. There have been 13 proud homeowners since 2004. We currently have 81 active participants in this program.
Through a continued partnership with the Salvation Army of Grayson County, Alpha Media, and other stakeholders, staff collected and distributed over 1,100 coats to those in need through the general public, including veterans and program clients. These coats were distributed through two separate Share the Warmth events in January and November 2019.
In coordination with the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing & Urban Development, TCOG administers a Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing to assist the most vulnerable, chronically-homeless veterans and their families transition into permanent housing. Twelve (12) VASH clients are concurrently participating in the FSS program.
Money Follows the Person Demonstration
Additionally, TCOG coordinated with the Texas Health and Human Services to set aside specialized HUD vouchers in order to assist Texans who are eligible for Medicaid and living in a nursing home relocate back into the community and still receive long-term services and support.
Annual Point-in-Time Count
In January of this year, TCOG and the Texoma Homeless Coalition gathered and complied data on the homeless population in our region. This activity, known as the Point-in-Time count, breaks down the data compiled into specific categories to be utilized for future funding. Numerous referrals were made the day we conducted the PIT – particularly where we identified children or disabled persons in need. Agencies continue resource follow-up with the homeless in between counts and are instrumental in getting the families with children and the disabled off of the streets. This collaborative process helps inform our region on the need for homeless awareness.
FSS graduates
Active Participants
Coats Distributed
Energy Services
Energy Services comprises several programs designed to assist in meeting the energy needs of low-income households and encouraging consumers to control energy costs through energy education. However, this department delivers more than meeting energy needs. In addition to Utility Assistance and Weatherization, this department administers the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) which provides assistance to local communities and organizations for the reduction of poverty through a program aptly named Family Assistance.
Households prioritized for these programs include elderly, disabled, and families with children under age six. Eligibility is up to 150% of the federal poverty level.
Utility Assistance
Provides co-payment of utilities for a specific period of time while educating clients on ways to conserve energy. Clients of this program may reside in Collin, Cooke, Denton, Fannin, Grayson, Hunt, or Rockwall counties as it is one of the only programs offered by TCOG which extends service outside of the tri-county Texoma area.
County | Regular Funding | Crisis Funding |
Collin | $216,816.99 | $54,040.52 |
Cooke | $35,793.84 | $5,819.15 |
Denton | $281,018.53 | $34,753.43 |
Fannin | $45,136.46 | $9,039.24 |
Grayson | $257,106.74 | $44,158.24 |
Hunt | $61,360.80 | $10,112.31 |
Rockwall | $26,406.06 | $3,167.63 |
Weatherization Assistance
This program provides cost-effective home energy improvements to low-income customers through the installation of weatherization materials while ensuring the health and safety of residents and education through a comprehensive energy analysis of the home.
During the 2020 fiscal year, we expended $1.5 million in the weatherization of 290 homes throughout the program service region.
Funding Source | Amount |
LIHEAP | $1,093,057.20 |
DOE | $229,014.38 |
TACAA | $180,542.10 |
Frontier | $12,654 |
Family Assistance
This program, funded through a community services block grant, revitalizes low-income communities and empowers low-income families and individuals in rural and urban areas through education, employment, emergency food, and other support assistance.
Through case management, a number of services were rendered for clients during FYE 2020 including:
Birth Certificates for clients to prove US citizenship
Rental assistance for clients at-risk of eviction
Vehicle repair or special transportation needs
Tuition assistance to support certification training, associate and bachelor degree programs
Employment support for clients who need scrubs, work boots, and tools
Gift cards for emergency food and fuel needs
Regional Services
Focused on finding regional solutions to challenges in Texoma and improving quality of life at the community level.
From improvements in the way people get around the region to planning for the population increases that are projected in the next thirty years to making sure first responders have the training and equipment that they need to get to the scene of the emergency when you call 9-1-1, the Regional Services team is focused on finding regional solutions to challenges in Texoma and improving quality of life at the community level.
Regional Services supports regional and local jurisdictions and municipalities in developing, maintaining, and improving quality of life in Texoma.
9-1-1 Program
FYE 2020 Highlights
TCOG successfully delivered 85,732 calls to the six 9-1-1 PSAPs between May 1, 2019 and April 30, 2020.
Outreach, Training and Support
Program staff delivered over 2,200 hours of training to regional telecommunicators during FYE 2020.
In addition to direct support, we distributed over 20,000 pieces of public education to the community.
The TCOG 9-1-1 Program utilizes state-of-the-art call-taking equipment that incorporates digital mapping applications in Texoma’s six Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).
TCOG provides planning, implementation, management, and ongoing administration of the regional network of systems and financing for more than fifty police, fire, and emergency medical service agencies in the region.
PSAPs participating in the Program are:
Criminal Justice
TCOG receives funding from the Office of the Governor’s (OOG) Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for regional criminal justice planning, technical assistance to grantees/grant applicants and to facilitate the functions of the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee. Department staff also seek and send out notices of grant funding opportunities to local agencies. Staff work with area law enforcement, victim service organizations, schools, non-profits, and other agencies to develop the Criminal Justice Community Plan. The Criminal plan addresses local priorities and needs in victim services, juvenile justice, law enforcement, mental health, and substance abuse.
Each year using the priorities identified in the Community Plan, the CJAC score and prioritize grant applications for four CJD funding streams: Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement, Juvenile Justice, Direct Victim Services, and Violence against Women. CJD uses these scores to fund projects in the Texoma Region. These projects included:
Van Alstyne Police Department Radio Equipment Replacement | $50,334 |
Whitesboro Police Department Video Equipment Replacement | $41,368 |
Fannin County Juvenile Services Structured Family Therapy | $50,000 |
Grayson County Crisis Line Victim Assistance Program | $338,000 |
Abigail’s Arms Victim’s Assistance Program | $341,669 |
Grayson County Domestic Violence Investigator Staff Position | $33,536 |
Criminal Justice Advisory Committee
The Criminal Justice program has been active at TCOG for over 40 years. This past year TCOG staff acknowledged some of the individual contributions that make up the 200 years of combined service. Currently six members have served 15 or more years on the CJAC. These members include:
Cherie Fry | 15 years |
Chris Cypert | 16 years |
Richard Glaser | 16 years |
Tom Watt | 16 years |
Sandy Barber | 18 years |
Mike Bankston | 38 years |
Emergency Planning
The TCOG Emergency Planning program provides communities with technical assistance in planning for emergency events by identifying potential safety threats, security weaknesses and developing plans to meet identified needs. TCOG Emergency Planning staff works in partnership with the Homeland Security Advisory Committee (HSAC), law enforcement, emergency management personnel and elected officials to apply for the yearly Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) for the Texoma Region.
The HSGP is a grant program provided by the Department of Homeland Security to enhance the ability to prepare, prevent and respond to terrorist attacks and other disasters. This grant has provided over $9 million of equipment and training to the region since 2005. TCOG staff maintains eligibility for program participation by completing a yearly:
- Threat Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (THIRA)
- Stakeholder Preparedness Report (SPR)
- Texoma Regional Implementation Plan
- Regional Risk-Informed Methodology
- Additional planning documents and data calls as requested by state and federal agencies
The HSGP awarded the Texoma Region with $275,000 in the fall of 2019. These funds purchased interoperable communications equipment and personal safety apparatus for first responders and special response teams in the City of Bonham, Cooke County, City of Denison, Fannin County, City of Gainesville, Grayson County and City of Sherman.
Community & Economic Development
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Market Analysis Update
Consultants to TCOG compiled and analyzed US Census and American Community Survey Data at the block group level for Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties and geocoded all the frequent stop addresses TCOG and partners provided. Market analysis recommendations included potential new routes for TAPS to consider. A TCOG board member compiled a list of existing transportation providers and surveyed them to determine which ones are open to the general public. Staff then created and distributed informational posters throughout the region to inform residents of transportation options.
TCOG is designated as the Economic Development District (EDD) for Texoma by the Economic Development Administration (EDA). The Texoma EDD provides technical assistance to industry practitioners and policy-makers on specific projects & programs that promote development in the region.
Planners in TCOG’s Community & Economic Development program provided technical assistance to the City of Southmayd with submitting grant applications to the US Department of Agriculture and provided a workshop to the Town of Road Runner councilmembers on the topic of zoning and economic development.
2020 was the decennial census year for the US Census Bureau and program staff coordinated with US Census officials and county representatives to coordinate the potential division of census tracts based on county-wide growth.
In coordination with the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and the committee charged with updating it, staff completed the Texoma Economic Development District Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2017-2022) 2019 update. The report is a snapshot of economic development activity and employment in the region and includes input from economic development professionals and our partners at Workforce Solutions Texoma and Grayson College.
GIS & Planning
New Addresses Assigned in FYE 2020
Professionals in the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Program create, analyze and manage geographic datasets and applications. These datasets include political jurisdictions, transportation networks, emergency management and environmental resources.
Local governments and citizens rely on maps and data created by the TCOG GIS program to make well-informed and often lifesaving decisions. The GIS Program helps promote geographic education in the region and provides a coordinating resource for GIS professionals in the region.
Rural Addressing
The GIS programs assigned well over 500 new addresses over the course of last fiscal year. The GIS program assisted the entire region with developmental projects such as subdivision development and new roadway data construction.
GIS program specialists have made great progress towards the implementation of the NextGen 911 system.
Municipal Solid Waste
The Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Grant Program provides technical assistance to city and county governments, school districts, and law enforcement districts to assist them in their efforts to build sustainable Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) plans.
Through education and outreach, promoting reduce, reuse and recycle, of recyclable commodities in order to maintain the long-term viability of our local landfills and safeguard public health, while planning for growth.
The MSW program looks for innovative ways to solve practical problems for our members while conserving the natural beauty of Texoma and aspiring to be leaders in green technology initiatives in texas. Texoma has many green technology initiatives to be proud of: Wind, solar and Hydroelectric projects, and a green Texoma vision makes sense for economic development and job creation, as well as the mindful use of natural resources.
MSW staff have begun working on the 20-year Regional Solid Waste Management Plan 2022-2042. Additionally, in an effort to improve efficiencies and assist with regional recycling coordination, staff have begun focusing on education of end-use markets and transitioning to more frequent but smaller household hazardous waste collection events.
FYE 2020 Board Officers
Jason Brinkley
Cooke County Judge
Vice President
Jeff Whitmire
Grayson County Commissioner
Teresa Adams
City of Denison
Debbie Barnes-Plyler
Grayson College
Josh Brinkley
City of Valley View
Craig Jezek
City of Tioga
Cecil Jones
Fannin County Community Representative
Ken Keeler
City of Gainesville
Randy Moore
Fannin County Judge
Scott Neu
Cooke County Community Representative
Bob Rhoden
Denison ISD
Tony Rodriguez
City of Bonham
Josh Stevenson
City of Sherman
Stan Thedford
Town of Windom
Bryan E. Wilson
Grayson County Community Represenstative
FYE 2020 Advisory Councils
RSVP Advisory Council (Fannin County)
RSVP Advisory Council (Grayson County)
Texoma Foster Grandparent Advisory Council
Texoma Regional Advisory Council on Aging
2-1-1 Texas Advisory Council
ADRC Advisory Group
Family Self-Sufficiency Advisory Board (Fannin County)
Family Self-Sufficiency Advisory Board (Grayson County)
Community Services Advisory Council
Criminal Justice Advisory Committee
Homeland Security Advisory Committee
Natural Resources Advisory Committee
Texoma Regional Transportation Planning Committee
FYE 2020 General Membership
City of Bells
City of Bonham
City of Callisburg
City of Collinsville
City of Denison
City of Dodd City
City of Dorchester
City of Ector
City of Gainesville
City of Gunter
City of Honey Grove
City of Howe
City of Knollwood
City of Ladonia
City of Leonard
Town of Lindsay
City of Muenster
Town of Oak Ridge
City of Pottsboro
City of Ravenna
City of Sadler
City of Savoy
City of Sherman
City of Southmayd
City of Tioga
City of Tom Bean
City of Trenton
City of Valley View
City of Van Alstyne
City of Whitesboro
Town of Whitewright
School Districts (15)
Bells ISD
Bonham ISD
Denison ISD
Dodd City ISD
Ector ISD
Fannindel ISD
Honey Grove ISD
Muenster ISD
Pottsboro ISD
Sam Rayburn ISD
Savoy ISD
Sherman ISD
Community College Districts (2)
Grayson College
North Central Texas College
Associate Members (3)
Bonham Chamber of Commerce
Denison Chamber of Commerce
Sherman Chamber of Commerce
Senior Leadership Team
About Texoma Council of Governments
Texoma Council of Governments is a voluntary association of the local governments in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties. Established in 1968, Texoma Council of Governments promotes economy and efficiency in the coordinated planning and development of the tri-county region through its community and economic development activities.
Both directly and through contractors, the Council provides housing, utility assistance, and weatherization services for low-income citizens in the region and assists the elderly through a variety of Area Agency on Aging programs. The Council also facilitates the delivery of grant funding for homeland security and criminal justice.
Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy
Texoma Council of Governments operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with Texoma Council of Governments.
For more information on Texoma Council of Governments’ civil rights program, the procedures to file a complaint, or to file a complaint contact (903) 813-3514; email; or visit our administrative office at 1117 Gallagher Drive, Suite 470, Sherman, TX 75090.
For more information, visit