Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

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FYE 2024 Certificate of Indirect Costs
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July 3, 2023

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

News Release
For Immediate Release
These events have played a key role in ensuring leftover or used household products are properly disposed of.

Eric Bridges, TCOG Executive Director

TCOG to offer household hazardous waste collection event in Gainesville

SHERMAN, JULY 3, 2023 – Officials at Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG) have announced an appointment-only Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection event for Saturday, July 22, 2023 that will take place at the Cooke County Fairgrounds, 1901 Justice Center Blvd in Gainesville. Collection will begin at 8:00 am and end at 12:00 pm.

“As the recipient of grant funds from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and SEP penalty monies from a TCEQ enforcement action – TCOG is proud to be able to offer periodic collection events at various locations across the Texoma Region,” said Eric Bridges, TCOG’s Executive Director. “These events have played a key role in ensuring leftover or used household products are properly disposed of.”

“We are very appreciative of TCEQ and SEP funds; they allow us to provide a much-needed service to the region,” stated Molly Guard, GIS & Planning Program Manager.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), describes HHW as leftover household products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances, or that are corrosive or toxic. Products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides can contain ingredients that are hazardous and require special care when you dispose of them. Improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and threaten human health.

The HHW collection event has been a well-attended, high-demand event, serving as a means of protecting our region from the adverse effects of hazardous waste dumping, saving cities and counties the high cost of HHW disposal fees and reducing the cost of crews coming to pick up and dispose of the waste.

Any Texoma resident can participate in the event at no cost, though the event is by appointment only. We ask that all participants pre-register and arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment to reduce wait times. To schedule an appointment, visit TCOG’s website at

For questions or additional information on household hazardous waste, contact Molly Guard at (903) 893-2161 ext. 3527.

The Texoma Council of Governments is a voluntary association of the local governments in Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties. Established in 1968, Texoma Council of Governments promotes economy and efficiency in the coordinated planning and development of the tri-county region through its community and economic development activities. Both directly and through contractors, the Council provides housing, utility assistance, and weatherization services for low-income citizens in the region and assists the elderly through a variety of Area Agency on Aging programs. The Council also facilitates the delivery of grant funding for homeland security and criminal justice.