The Texoma Economic Development District (EDD) supports ongoing community and regional planning goals and provides data resources for Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties in Northeast Texas.

With a strong emphasis on community on business, our staff works with city and county officials to concentrate on rural planning, community & economic development, small business, grant writing, demographic interpretation, and GIS and mapping services.

Research, Collaboration, and Community Engagement

The Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG) Community & Economic Development Program is designated as the regional Economic Development District working under the authority of the Economic Development Administration (EDA) and with guidance from local stakeholders in community and economic development.

The function of the District, and the TCOG Community and Economic Development Program, is to assist distressed communities in achieving long-term competitive development in economic and community development through investments in human and natural resources, with the ultimate goal improvement of quality of life. The Texoma Economic Development District seeks to achieve this goal by utilizing a cadre of resources from within the Texoma Council of Governments and from private and public partners from throughout the surrounding area.

Texoma Economic Development District

Resource Center

External Resources

The resources listed below are in support of regional economic development and recovery.

COVID-19 Resources

Data Resources

Federal Resources

Non-Profit/Other Resources

Measuring Distress: StatsAmerica

The Texoma Economic Development DIstrict is administered by Texoma Council of Governments.