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Homeland Security Advisory Committee

January 23 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Presiding location: Texoma Council of Governments
1117 Gallagher Drive (Eisenhower Room – 1st Floor), Sherman, Texas
Thursday, January 23, 2025 – 1:30pm

1. Call to order
2. Introductions
3. Review, discuss, and possible action related to the minutes from the 10/24/2024 HSAC meeting
4. Information briefing relating to the FY24 Homeland Security Grant Funds
5. Information briefing relating to the FY25 Homeland Security Grant Funds and Regional Projects
6. Review, discuss, and prioritize the FY25 Homeland Security Grant Regional Projects
7. Review, discuss, and recommend to the TCOG Board prioritization results of the FY25 Homeland Security Grant Regional Projects
8. Texoma Communications Focus Group and Communications Survey
9. Regional Interoperable Communication Plan
10. Information briefing relating to additional grant funding opportunities
11. Public comment
12. Adjournment

The next HSAC meeting is tentatively set for October 2025. This meeting may change to meet the Texas Homeland Security Grant Division (HSGD) required deliverables.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact Miranda Harp 903-813-3552 no later than 9:00 a.m. the morning of the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.  This Agenda was posted at the Texoma Council of Governments in a place readily accessible to the public and on the TCOG website on January 16, 2025


January 23
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Event Categories:


Texoma Council of Governments
(903) 893-2161
View Organizer Website


Eisenhower Room
1117 Gallagher Drive, Suite 100
Sherman, TX 75090 United States
+ Google Map
(903) 893-2161