TCOG Regional Solid Waste Management Plan

The purpose of this RSWMP is to provide the Texoma Region (Cooke, Fannin, and Grayson counties) with a plan that will equip local leaders with the skills and resources necessary to address environmental and economic concerns as they relate to solid waste management in both the near and long term. This is  accomplished by providing specific and actionable goals, objectives, and recommendations designed to improve solid waste management practices and to ensure systems operate as safely and efficiently as possible.



Upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

By Appointment Only

In an effort to hold more frequent events and reduce wait time, we have moved to an appointment-based schedule.

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Waste Reduction

The Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Grant Program provides financial and technical assistance to city and county governments, school districts, and law enforcement districts in their efforts to combat illegal dumping, promote recycling, and ultimately reduce the amount of waste introduced to local landfills.

Program Oversight

The MSW program is overseen by the Natural Resources Advisory Committee (NRAC) which consists of members who represent a broad range of interests, including a representative of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, public officials, private operators, citizen groups, and interested individuals.

Municipal Solid Waste in Texas: A Year in Review

FY 2023 Data Summary and Analysis

Download the Municipal Solid Waste in Texas: A Year in Review Report (PDF) from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.






Renewable Energy - Green Texoma

Texoma already boasts 4 active energy power plants; 1 produces compressed natural gas and 3 produce electricity through: natural gas, wind and hydroelectric generation. Adding to that, Sherman has added a Solar Farm in 2019 that will generate up to 10% of the area's needs. Sherman's green energy and renewable energy consumption are among the highest in the country. According to the US Energy Information Administration, among states producing renewable energy, Texas holds fifth place in electricity generated by renewable energy, and fourth in net summer capacity. Texas leads the nation in wind power generation and was the first state to reach 10,000 megawatts of wind power generating capacity.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration

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Report Illegal Dumping

TCOG encourages anyone who encounters an illegal dump that has already taken place to report it.

If you observe someone illegally dumping, please call (903) 813-3550 or fill out the confidential Contact Form below.

Information which should be included if possible:
  • Date, time and location of incident
  • Description of vehicle and license plate number
  • Description of person(s) dumping
  • What items/materials were being dumped
  • Your name and email address (optional)

Only fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Frequently Asked Questions

1How do I dispose of paint?
For 1" or less of paint left in the can, open the lid and store in a safe place until the paint has dried. Dispose of the "opened" can in your garbage. If you have an old board, paint it with the leftover paint and dispose after the paint dries. For volumes more than 1", purchase paint hardener from a hardware store and add to the paint. When hardened, dispose of the "opened" can in your garbage. For a printable version of how to recycle your paint, follow this link.
2How do I dispose of used oil?
Ask oil change businesses if they will accept used oil. A charge may be involved. Contact your County Commissioner and ask about disposal options.
3How do I dispose of used tires?
Simply contact the Texoma Area Solid Waste Authority for up-to-date charges.
4How can I recycle my computer?

Did you know?

State law requires computer manufacturers to offer Texas consumers free and convenient computer equipment recycling. Learn more
Visit the manufacturer's website for recycle information that is free to the consumer or follow this Equipment Manufacturer link to find out more information about your brand of TV.
5How can I recycle my TV?
TV recycling became a reality on September 1, 2011. The Texas Legislature approved a TV recycling bill. Follow the Television Recycling link for guidance on the new Texas television recycling program.