Almost 26 million family caregivers provide care to adults (aged 18+) with a disability or chronic illness, and 5 million informal caregivers provide care for older adults aged 50+ with dementia.
Program Services
This program offers a monthly support groups, monthly newsletter and resource center offering information, counseling, and material to teach about how to manage caregiver stress in positive ways.

Alzheimer's Disease Program
Caring for a loved one twenty-four hours a day can be an exhausting job physically and emotionally.
Many caregivers put aside their own needs while caring for their relative, leaving themselves at high risk for stress-related health problems.
Monthly caregiver support groups are offered in Grayson, Fannin and Cooke counties which gives caregivers the opportunity to meet with other caregivers and healthcare professionals to discuss options of care and solutions to their unique situations.
Caregiver Classes are offered by an Alzheimer's Caregiver Specialist and addresses specific topics affecting the lives of people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia and their caregivers. A resource library of books and other materials are also available. Help is just a phone call away.

Timeout Caregiver Respite Program
Most families want to care for their loved ones at home as long as possible. Respite Care can help achieve this goal through a local respite program and the resource materials available to the caregiver.
Respite Care gives participants an opportunity to rediscover their joy in living after the diagnosis of dementia, by being with others and sharing in recreational activities. The program gives caregivers some time for themselves where they can be confident their loved one is safe and happy.
Time Out Respite Program
The Respite Care program is designed to meet the needs of those who are suffering from memory loss but still capable of benefiting from socialization and structured, supervised activities in a safe environment.
Program activities are designed to promote mental stimulation and, at the same time, assure success and build self-confidence. The activities allow participants to spend an enjoyable half day outside the home and remain socially, physically, and mentally active. A variety of activities are offered to meet the different interests of the program participants. These activities include:
- Reminiscence Groups
- Lunch and Snacks
- Arts and Crafts
- Exercise
- Dancing
- Music
Give us a call - we'd be happy to talk with you about caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or any related memory loss.
The program Activity Director has been certified by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving in Alzheimer's and related dementia care with all program volunteers and staff receiving annual training to meet the special needs of participants.

Caregiver Forum
Welcome to the Caregiver Forum Powered by AgingCare.com - Join the conversation below.

Program Staff
Program Staff

Relatives as Parents
Becoming Parents Again
In Census 2020, over 5,500 grandparents were identified in the Texoma area alone who have legal responsibility to raise their grandchildren. Numerous issues confront these grandparents who have become "parents again", including legal, medical, educational, financial and psycho-social concerns.
Join the Support Group!
The RAP Caregiver Support Group meets on the 1st Monday of each month, offering support, peer counseling, and educational programs to assist relatives as parents in successfully addressing their needs.