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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

What is GIS?

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.

What does GIS do?

GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

Regional Collaboration

The TCOG GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Program was started in May 2011 to help fulfill the needs of the Texoma Region. The GIS Program works to coordinate and collaborate with local governments, universities, and private companies to consolidate efforts as well as provide innovative solutions. These solutions help to inform citizens and allow local governments to make critical decisions that can sometimes be life-saving.

The GIS Program was formed from a partnership with local governments and the TCOG Public Safety Program to provide rural addressing initially formed the GIS Program. This collaboration has been very successful and allowed for TCOG to build increasingly important datasets that help make important decisions for a fast growing region.

The GIS Program encourages a spirit of cooperation among all GIS professionals by hosting GIS Regional Meetings. These meetings allow GIS professionals to compare notes, reduce duplication of efforts and receive advanced training.

Combined Resources

The GIS Program also has worked diligently in the same spirit to coordinate regional aerial imagery acquisition. The region has been working to combine resources in purchasing these high quality images which has allowed for cost reductions for everyone involved.

Useful Tools

9-1-1 AddressingMaps & DataLocal Govt. Apps

Meet the Team

GIS & Planning

Mailinh Nguyen

Regional Project Coordinator

903-893-2161 x3529

Alexis Taylor-Baker

Regional Services Specialist

903-893-2161 x3527

Program Staff

McKayla Bishop

911 Addressing Specialist

903-893-2161 x3559


GIS Services

Beginning with rural addressing in Grayson County, the GIS Program has been involved with assisting local governments with numerous projects.

Since its creation the GIS Program has been involved on many projects which range from map book development, Census data submissions, TxDOT County Road Inventories, in addition to providing disaster support on many occasions.

Available Services

  • GIS Data Development and Maintenance
  • Custom Map and Map Book Creation
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Data and Application Hosting
  • GIS Consulting
  • Training

Aerial Imagery

Since 2008, TCOG and the GIS Program have been involved with the purchasing of Aerial Imagery for the Region. Using a Regional purchasing agreement, we have been able to save funds for our local governments. The GIS programs are working on efforts to continue the acquisition of future imagery and to host the imagery out to local governments.

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GIS Datasets

This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes, and are intended for general information purposes only. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only approximate relative location of the property boundaries. All data provided represents current information as of the date shown and is believed to be accurate, but the accuracy is not warranted.

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GIS Datasets

This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes, and are intended for general information purposes only. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only approximate relative location of the property boundaries. All data provided represents current information as of the date shown and is believed to be accurate, but the accuracy is not warranted.

Maps & Data

The GIS Program has developed many maps and are available for download below.

If you wish to request a map to be printed, please fill out a form below and review the pricing sheet. Custom maps are available upon request as adjusted for the time for customization.

Need a map?

We're at your service. To start a map request, begin by selecting the button below.

Map Request
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Custom maps, data requests and GIS projects

Custom maps, map books, and data requests will be created at a rate of $75/hour of labor. Printing Costs are NOT Included.

GIS projects will require a formal quote and contract between the client and Texoma Council of Governments. For inquiries, please contact Nathan Voight.